Laser Etching

Laser etching uses a high power laser beam focused to remove material from a surface to create complex designs and patterns such as logos, text and graphics with high accuracy, producing different types of marks including surface marks, deep marks and engravings. Laser etching has a wide range of applications from creating complex designs on jewelry to etching serial numbers on electronic components.

Three types of lasers are commonly used in Laser etching: CO2 laser, fibre laser and UV laser.

If etching organic materials such as wood, leather and paper, CO2 laser is the best choice.

Fibre laser is used to etch metals, plastics, and composite materials because it uses high power laser beam to evaporate material.

For the materials of glass, ceramics and semiconductors, UV laser is the most suitable type as it uses a low power laser beam to heat materials, causing materials to expand and break.